Future is an Apricot, Standard Poodle. He weighs 65 pounds and stands 26 inches at the shoulders. He is AKC Registered and Embark DNA tested clear. bb, ee, kyky, atat, Mm, Ssp
Future is very playful, gentle, and sweet. He loves other dogs, especially the ladies, and all people. He is a big cuddler and extremely easy going. He wants to please and will do just about anything for a treat.
For the mating period, your female will come stay with us. We will ensure that the two get to know each other, and have plenty of time to "do their thing." As experienced breeders, we know what to watch for and will record all breeding dates and times so that we can calculate due dates.
Our Stud Service Fee is $1200, this includes up to a 5 night stay. We require Dams to be current on vaccinations (Rabies, Distemper, and Bordatella) and a current brucellosis test, from a licensed Veterinarian. If you would like to discuss further, please use our contact link.